Team Selection Policy

Allston Brighton Youth Hockey Team Selection Policy


Allston Brighton Youth Hockey is committed to providing Allston and Brighton residents with high-quality community-based youth hockey. We welcome members of surrounding communities but encourage families to participate in their own community-based youth hockey organizations if appropriate programs exist and are a fit for the player and family. For the purposes of this policy, participants who lived in Allston or Brighton when they began playing with the program are considered residents. Team selection includes the following considerations:


  • When multiple teams exist at an age level, ABYH will do its best to provide ‘right-level’ hockey within the player’s age group but will consider other factors in team composition including age, positions, length of time in the program, # of players playing on other teams within AB or with outside programs and other factors as they arise.


  • In the event that a team has too many players and AB is unable to provide an additional team we will use the following criteria (in order) to make offers:
  1. Age-appropriate Allston Brighton Residents
  2. Age-appropriate Existing program participants
  3. Age-appropriate New non-resident program participants

If unable to make an offer, ABYH will do its best to advise and connect a player to other programs that may have space. 


  • If ABYH determines a player’s skill would put themselves or others in danger and we do not have a skill-appropriate team, we will communicate with the family about appropriate options.  Due to USA Hockey rules, we cannot allow players to play down on travel teams unless they have an approved USA Hockey medical waiver


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